The Environment
Environmental Compliance means conforming to environmental legislation, regulations, standards and other requirements such as site permits to operate. In recent years, environmental concerns have led to a significant increase in the number and scope of compliance imperatives across all global regulatory environments. Construction and demolition waste (CDW) is one of the heaviest and most voluminous waste streams generated in the EU. If not separated at source, CDW can contain small amounts of hazardous wastes, the mixture of which can pose particular risks to the environment and can hamper recycling.
At Advanced Construction and Fitouts we are aware of both current legislation and public awareness as regards environmental issues. Our main priority is to minimise environmental effects in all their forms both on our projects and their environs. This includes not only such effects as air omissions, water discharges, pollution, waste, energy consumption, recycling but also in the protection of employees and the general public in the use of resources on all our construction sites.