Advanced Construction and Fitouts are 100% committed to the safety and health of our staff, our subcontractors and the general public with a policy of zero risks equals zero incidents. At ACFL we have a 100% zero incident record and have been awarded various Certificates of Compliance in Health and Safety over the years. At ACFL, we undertake a three part process for all projects regardless of size:
- Part 1 : Planning The Activity
- Part 2 : Hazard Identification, and Control Identification
- Part 3 : Sign Off
We believe with careful planning through the preparation of site specific Risk Assessment and by eliminating inherent risks we are eliminating incidents. Our Method Statements and site specific Safety Statements form part of our induction process on new projects. Continuous reviews are carried out and any revisions to the Risk Assessment/Method Statements are communicated to our team through our weekly Tool Box talks. Good housekeeping and the use of appropriate PPE is paramount on all of our sites.
When you walk on to one of our sites you will see a well planned site which is carefully laid out, with clear designated walkways, visible signage, exceptional welfare facilities and clear allocated work areas. All these factors create a safe working environment on our projects.
Our Safety Officers are trained in :
Safety Management
Occupational First Aid
Managing Safety in Construction

The Environment
Environmental Compliance means conforming to environmental legislation, regulations, standards and other requirements such as site permits to operate. In recent years, environmental concerns have led to a significant increase in the number and scope of compliance imperatives across all global regulatory environments. Construction and demolition waste (CDW) is one of the heaviest and most voluminous waste streams generated in the EU. If not separated at source, CDW can contain small amounts of hazardous wastes, the mixture of which can pose particular risks to the environment and can hamper recycling.
At Advanced Construction and Fitouts we are aware of both current legislation and public awareness as regards environmental issues. Our main priority is to minimise environmental effects in all their forms both on our projects and their environs. This includes not only such effects as air omissions, water discharges, pollution, waste, energy consumption, recycling but also in the protection of employees and the general public in the use of resources on all our construction sites.
At Advanced Construction and Fitouts we take compliance with all Laws and Regulations very seriously. The following apply to and are held by ACFL:
- CIF registered
- Fully compliant with Revenue for all taxes including CT, VAT, PAYE, RCT
- Public and Employer's Liability insurance / Contractors All risk insurance
- SIPTU membership
- Fully Compliant with CWPS
ACFL operates under current Building Regulations in Ireland and adhere to the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (2005) Act and to the Construction Regulations 2013. We also adhere to the Environment (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2015.

Certificates & Training
- Safe Pass
- Managing Safety in Construction
- Core Safety Management
- Manual Handling
- Working at Height inc Safe use of Harness
- MEWPs Scissors and Boom Lifts
- Selection, Mounting and Safe use of Abrasive Wheels Training
- Quantity Surveying
- Mobile Acess Aluminium Towers
- Fire Stopping
When defining objectives for quality the client should consider:
- Available funding and time.
- Existing corporate policies (such as environmental policies).
- Key requirements of the business.
- The views of external organisations such as the local planning authority, Heritage Society etc.
- Local and national legislation (for example local planning requirements for energy use).
At Advanced Construction and Fitouts we invest time into procuring the best of materials and employ only skilled labour to insure our high standards are maintained. Unlike the industry standard we strive to achieve a snag free project upon Practical completion.
We work to a “snag as you go” policy with the intention of handing over a snag free project to a satisfied client on Practical Completion of the project!